Despite all the advantages of working with real estate agencies, a lot of people still prefer single-handedly deal with the sale of its real estate.
Especially difficult stage of the transaction of sale of real estate is the preparation of documents. First, talk about the sale of an apartment can only go in when it is privatized. In other words, you’ll need to prepare a document that confirms your ownership of the property. In some cases, such evidence of a contract of sale, in the other – help HBC on making unit in full, there are other options.
In addition, the list of documents required for the sale of part of the housing department information on the persons prescribed in the housing at the time of sale. In addition, each resident must provide consent to the sale of housing, in writing.
Do not forget to close all the debt on public services at the time of preparation of the transaction, what should be the relevant extract from the accounting housing department. And it is not the only document of this kind, you need to take a similar reference in other municipal services.
The second step will be a visit to BTI in order to obtain the next batch of documents: explication – the certificate of footage apartments, the floor plan and a certificate indicating the value of the property. Serious attention should be given the fact that each of the documents limited duration. And, if for renewal, and the explication of the apartment plan, you can not worry for a year, then the certificate of the property price, validity period – one month, it is better to receive immediately prior to the transaction.
To some extent, increase the size of the package of documents required for the transaction of purchase and sale, residence in an apartment minors or incapacitated persons. In this version you will have to also visit the board of trustees for the relevant marketing authorization. This event is also not easy.
If the apartment is transferred to you by inheritance or gift agreement, you need to issue a certificate of payment of taxes.
Additional documents indispensable for registration of the contract of sale, provide a certificate of no prohibition on alienation of property and certificate of no property seizure. Both documents fall within the scope of the notary functions, but you should know that the existence of such restrictions frustrate conduct transactions.
In general, the process is quite troublesome. But real estate brokers do not charge commission from the property owner, not you give up such services is necessary?
If you’re living in Hamilton and near hamilton and want to sale your home or property and looking for a good Real Estate agent with a good reputation in the market, contact Shaun Cosgrave today.
To contact Shaun phone 027 475 5021 or visit